Creative writing
"Puddles", Covert Literary Magazine Issue 3 for Writing Our Legacy (Summer 2023)
‘Albaricoques’, ‘Ciruella Amarilla’ and ‘Naranja Amarga’ for the Goethe Institut as part of Europe’s Kitchen Blog (Nov 2020)
'Cook Serve, Become a Man', Issue 9: Is This The End? for Skindeep Magazine (Feb 2020), republished in Whorling.net (Sep 2020)
'Dialling Tone' for Clav Mag (Jan 2020)
'Change The Channel' in The People’s Forest: Special Issue in collaboration with Waltham Forest Borough of Culture 2019, for The Willowherb Review (Apr 2019)
Blogs and articles
‘“Watching Things We Hate Burn” – Thoughts on Artsadmin Youth’ for Artsadmin Youth Blog (Dec 2021)
‘Text Review: Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love’ for Artsadmin as part of the Apocalypse Reading Room residency by Ama Josephine Budge (Oct 2021)
‘Smash the Workhouse, Free the Dreamers’ for Artsadmin as part of the Apocalypse Reading Room residency by Ama Josephine Budge (Aug 2021)
'A PORTRAIT OF MEMORIES, WISHES, FRUSTRATIONS AND DEAR THINGS’ for the Goethe Institut as part of Europe’s Kitchen Blog (Nov 2020)
Response to ‘LOOKING at / with / for / after ONE ANOTHER’ by Jeanette Ehler for the Goethe Institut as part of Europe’s Kitchen Blog (Oct 2020)
'Wavey Garms: Buying Sentimentality, Wearing Sociality' in Issue 2: Objects of Delight
for STAPLE Magazine (2017)
'Dadu's House' in Issue 1: Dizziness of Youth, STAPLE Magazine (2016)